Pay more for your seat and your bag on Indigo

Indigo keeps doing these things...seemingly little things, but significant in overall impact. All for bottomline. The most preposterous change Indigo brought in was a few months back, when the regulators allowed unbundling of fares, and Indigo (for a while) took to charging passengers for all window and aisle seats as well as the first couple of rows. And if I'm right, Indigo was also one of the first to embrace the reduced free baggage allowance from 20k to 15k. So it should come as no surprise when I say that Indigo has upped some of its fees - for no practical reason that I can see.

Premium Seats - All seats in rows of 1, 12 and 13, aisle and window seats of Rows 2 & 3 will now cost Rs 600 compared to Rs 500 earlier. Aisle (Rows 4-11) and Window (Rows 4-7) seats will now cost Rs 300, up from Rs 250 previously.

Baggage - Similarly, there are new fees for excess baggage over the basic free limit of 15 kgs. I've never had occasion to check in more than 15 kgs, so I admit that this is not something I've really focussed on. However, they seem to have introduced a new level of 5 kg excess, which is a saving grace - earlier, you'd have had to pay the 10 kg slab even if you were carrying under 5k of excess baggage. They also have 2 new slabs for excess baggage, of 15 kgs (Rs 2,000) and 30 kgs (Rs 3,000). However, all of this is available only for domestic flights. Internationally, 10 kg of excess baggage will now cost you Rs 4,000.

Here's the full table of charges (clickable image):

Indigo seems to be trying all sorts of things to shore up its bottomline. Mind you, Indigo is the only profitable airline in India as of date, so this will only add to strengthening their financials.

What's your take on these new and revised charges?


  1. They are becoming more and more like Ryan Air.. except for the attitude of the employees.. Spirit airlines also comes to mind..


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