Mythbuster time - rodents in Mumbai T2?

I used Mumbai's new Terminal 2 rather recently, and had the opportunity to write about it last week. I was generally impressed by the new terminal, which opened for operations in February this year - just over a couple of months back.

However, a video has been floating around the Internet, these last couple of days, showing a rodent happily gnawing away at what appear to be bakery products kept in a display shelf. While that's bad as it is, the tags on the videos online suggest that this was taken at Mumbai's new Terminal 2, in the early hours of the morning. Here are three Facebook shares from my friends, on this:

One of the comments (not shown in the pics) to those videos is "Unreal". And you know what? That is exactly it. This is unreal. It isn't true. Well, obviously the rodent eating stuff is real, but it is not at T2 Mumbai. A simple Google search reveals the following video posted on Youtube in January 2012, which is the same video that's being touted as the one at Mumbai T2.

And here's a link to an even older thread on, that identifies this (purportedly) as the Trivandrum Airport's snack bar. I'm not certain if it *is* Trivandrum airport, but it clearly is not the new Mumbai T2.

Remember, Mumbai's T2 opened in February 2014, which is at least two years or more, from the datestamps on the above video / thread. This is an absolute travesty and I wish people would really stop spreading this kind of misinformation, but I'm afraid that's just a pipe dream. Till then, I suppose we need to really keep our eyes open, and not necessarily trust all the information that comes our way.


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