WANTED - Reader inputs for AI v/s 9W head-to-head!
I've been working on a comparative analysis of AI and 9W. Now I do realise that 9W has the Etihad deal going for it, getting one good thing after another (read government approval). And on the other hand, the Aviation Minister himself is saying that privatising AI wouldn't be a bad thing at all.
Having said that, is 9W really the better airline out of India? I wanted to verify this myself, and so I started comparing them on several parameters. Very soon, I propose to do a multi-part post on the results, but what I don't have (being a JP member and flying very little AI till recently), is input on AI's Flying Returns mileage plan and redemption options. So any input on that front will be most welcome and appreciated. But if you have something to add on any other parameters, please do let me know, and I will try and incorporate that into my comparative analysis.
Looking forward to hearing from you - just leave a comment below. Thank you!!!
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