Outside of overseas travel, my work in India is normally in one of the metro cities such as DEL, BOM, MAA, HYD, BLR, and CCU. Or at least in one of the tier 2 cities like PNQ, COK, VTZ, and BBI. But a month or so back, I had the chance to visit Tuticorin (TCR) [IATA: TCR, ICAO: VO80]. So, check the map (click to enlarge) on the left, and you'll get an idea of exactly where it is. I initially thought it was the southernmost airport in India, till I realised TRV was a bit further south (but mind you, not by much!). TCR is a new yet "quaint" airport , if that word can be applied here. They expanded The runway is oriented 10/28, and the airport itself only serves SpiceJet - one flight each to BLR and MAA. I was coming in from MAA, due south, and we banked right to land - at that time, there was a very clear view of the runway, but I didn't have my camera handy then. The runway is all of 1351 meters long, and so the Bombardier Q400 Dash aircraft utilised it to the full. We...