Mile and point valuations - January 2016
In case you missed it, here's my back-story to mile and point valuations . I'd decided that if there was going to be miles and points madness, there should at least be some method in that madness. So here are the results of my valuation exercise. I will try and update these as often as I can, or as necessary. Valuations for January 2016 So here are the India points and miles valuations for January 2016. Some comments I have not previously valued either hotel points or airline miles on a per-mile basis, which explains why there's no comparative value for those. I also haven't covered earn-to-burn ratios for airline miles. Hyatt's earn-to-burn ratio also wasn't valued in 2014. In the absence of these data points, they are shaded grey. In future valuations, you'll see the most recent previous valuation as a comparison. SPG actually is a better bet now than it was in 2014. Of their 47 hotels in January 2016, category reductions have taken place for 25 of them, ...